Library Holdings
Library Holdings


The library has total holdings of 21,922 volumes consisting of books (8,223 volumes), pamphlets (427), journals/periodicals (5,931), theses/ dissertations/ professorial chairs (5,684), and 1,409 multimedia and electronic materials on veterinary medicine, animal science, and related topics which includes 469 volumes of on-campus and remotely accessible perpetual eBooks. It also holds digitized copies of CVM special collections such as U.P. DVM theses, U.P. MSVM students’ theses, faculty professorial lectures, PJVM articles, and other CVM publications.

Journal Subscriptions

There are 218 relevant eJournals subscriptions accessible on campus and remotely via single sign-on Open Athens access. Of which, 123 are veterinary, while 95, are veterinary-related journals. Ten titles in these eJournals are subscribed individually, namely: (1) British Journal of Animal Nutrition; (2) Canadian Journal of Animal Science;(3) Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine; (4) Journal of Dairy Science; (5) Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation; (6) Research in Veterinary Science; (7) Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice; (8) Veterinary Pathology; (9) Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound; (10) Veterinary Surgery.

The library also has print serials/journals subscription which was received in exchange to the Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine, while others were given free of charge by local and foreign institutions/associations.